Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why isn't this working?

So on October 1st I decided to make it my JANUARY know, the day when everyone starts their new workout program, eats healthy for a few weeks and make many resolutions that they don't keep. My idea was to start on October 1st and my goal was simple, a healthier lifestyle.

My 1st week went quite well. Six workouts with my Power 90 video tapes, the Fat Burning series. It was definitely no joke and I was sore! I also made healthy food choices for the week fruits, veggies, Veggie Burgers etc..and ate 5 small meals a day. I found that I was VERY full and didn't need to snack and didn't crave junk food which is MAJOR for me as I usually consume chocolate and potato chips daily, its that sweet and salty combo that gets me. So at the one week mark , I weighed myself to see what my progress was and much to my surprise, I weighed exactly the same. I thought to myself WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!!!(ok, those weren't the exact words but you get the point) I went back to my handy dandy book and realized that I should measure myself and compare my measurements instead of the wieght and much to my suprise I had lost 2 inches in my waist and an inch off of each thigh..YIPPEE and GO ME!!! I so freakin' excited that I couldve' done a back flip. My goal live a healthier lifestyle and oh into a bikini for our summer trip. So many people have told me that you'll always have a litttle "pooch" after having kids and probably won't ever wear a bikini after 3 kids...well I am here to proove you wrong .

What is your goal when in comes to overall health? How do you fit in workouts?

P.S. I did take a before picture of myself which I will post once I reach my goal...its pretty eye opening to take a picture of yourself in shorts and a sports bra when you are out of shape...

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