Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Essential Ingredients

You may be wondering how we came up with the name for our Blog. Well, is stems from the fact that we needed to re-connect and find our innerselves, reclaim who we are. This takes some looking "inside" some self reflection to remember what our like and dislikes are. Trying to make time for ourselves is a priority as well as spending time with our spouse or significant other. We also wanted to take care of ourselves from the inside out, mentally, physically and spiritually. The word "HOT" has several meanings but the one that strikes us most is physical attractiveness as well as us FEELING attractive on the inside and out. We are both Moms so that explains the MAMA part. Many times we get lost in the shuffle. We want to find our Inner Beauty, put that bounce back in our step and encourage others to do the same ,together finding our InnerHOTmama.
There is a quote from a book I want to share :"It was hard to remember the last time she had gone anywhere without her children, or her husband.Even those few times, she had been with people who knew her as a member of a nuclear family, a role as much a part of her identity as the color of her hair and the shape of her hands. When was the last time she had been someplace where no one knew who she was?" from, The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister

When was the last time you went somewhere where no one knew who you were? How did this make you feel?

1 comment:

Writer Unleashed said...

Good for you! You are still wonderful and sexy and you! Don't neglect yourself. x