Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who am I?

As I sit this morning and watch my son "discover" everything(he is 9 weeks old)and figure out who he is, I ask my self WHO AM I? Sometimes, ok ..all the time...we as parents get lost in the shuffle, doing day to day tasks for everyone else and not taking the time for ourselves. As my husband came in last night and kissed the girls and picked up our son, I was the last to be greeted. It is not intentional, it is just the way it is right now as I am a "MOM". Another mom told me the other day, "you will always be last from now on, thats what happens when you become a mom". Let me tell you sister, NO WAY! I am a wife, mom,daughter, friend, sister, cousin, cook, housekeeper, accountant, chauffeur, therapist(although not licensed)and the list goes on, but before any of this, I was ME! Me,the woman that loves to exercise and cook healthy meals(which I haven't done in ages), loves playing my guitar and taking pictures, loves hiking in the dunes, watching old movies and spending time with my girlfriends (all of which I would feel guilty for now), a happy, upbeat person full of energy. This is starting to sound like a personal ad but you get the point. So today October 1st, I am finding the old ME, I am taking the time to do the things I love , one thing, one day at a time. What can you do to reclaim yourself?

Today I did 30 minutes of Cardio and actually sat and ate breakfast!


Sam's mom said...

I've started an online crafting circle to take time for ME every month and do a fun project.

Peebles Family Weblog said...

I write and write and write, as well as meditation and reading. Those are my passions. As moms we have to ask ourselves what we love most, and do those things. Otherwise we lose our identity and start carrying around resentments about all our duties as mothers. We serve & give all day, so we should give to ourselves first and foremost or there will be nothing left to give. Also, we are teaching our children how to value themselves by valuing ourselves.

Writer Unleashed said...

It's so easy to put everyone else's needs before your own but the trouble is, you can end up feeling empty inside. Being a Mum/Mom takes up a lot of time and a lot of energy but I think it is so essential to make time for yourself. You are still a human being with value and not just a work donkey for everyone else. And if you do take time for yourself to be selfish, you'll feel better about yourself and end up being a nicer person to be around. So good for you! You are still a person - not just a Mum.

Writer Unleashed said...

For you: