Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mommy blues

Although there are hormones at play after you deliver a child, I think many of the emotions are the same for "home-grown" and adoptive moms.  Specifically, the post-baby blues.  For those who deliver, it's often called post-partum depression.  In the adoptive world, it's often called the post-adoption blues.  I understand the physiological reason behind each is different, but I recognize it exists for both types of moms. 
Why?  Because I have it.
Of course, I am elated to have Sammy home.  He is the single best thing that has ever happened to me.  He is my center, he is literally my sun and I am pulled to him with a force greater than gravity.  But there is something about the finality of the adoption, and the prospect of caring for this little package of perfection than seems overwhelming and incomprehensible.  I find myself barely having the energy for work during the day and Sam at night.  I find myself having little to no concentration.  I'm not doing the things I used to enjoy.  I'm sad, a lot, especially when I'm not with Sam.  I'm not taking care of myself.  Most weekends it's 12 noon before I even change out of PJs and forget about taking a shower.  I am consumed with Sam, but have no energy for anything else.  I know this happens to a lot of moms during the first few months because I've talked to them about it.
I feel helpless at times.  I feel overwhelmed.  I know being the sole income now (G is a SAHD) is also adding to my feelings of stress and anxiety.
I feel like I should just "snap out of it" but understand its more complex.
So, I have taken the drastic step of seeing a shrink.  And you know what?  Its really helping.  Don't get me wrong, he wasn't able to give me a "magically all better" pill, despite my begging and pleading.  But he is able to make me understand I'm not alone and THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL and many, many mommies are feeling the same way.
I need to take more me time.  I need to get back into regular meditation and yoga to reduce my stress.  I need to get back into exercise to increase my endorphines.  And I need to not be so hard on myself.

What have you done/what are you doing to help you with the emotional rollercoaster of being a mom?

1 comment:

Colleen and JF Bertrand said...

Oh Meg, hang in there! There are so many big adjustments in the first few months. It took JF and I a while to find our stride again. Everything is a little off kilter when a baby is added to the mix. I think it is great that you are seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist. I hope he helps you find the balance you are seeking.