Friday, May 28, 2010

The Nuclear Pencil: 8 Tips On How To Eat Healthy In College

This Foodie Friday I thought I'd link to my cousins wonderful post on How to Eat Healthy in College. We all know about gaining the Freshmen 15....basically eating anything and everything! Check out his post and pass it on! Thanks Griffin

The Nuclear Pencil: 8 Tips On How To Eat Healthy In College

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Paying Attention

Today I set out to walk 20 miles.  The AWBC is only 2 weeks away, and you need to rest the last week, so this was my opportunity to really push myself.

I had breakfast, got dressed in my favorite wicking yoga pants and socks, put on my AWBC tee and stretched.  I got my water and my fanny pack (yup, I said it...) and had Sam & Gregg drop me off at the forest preserve at 8 am.

It was HOT.  Already 80 degrees at 8 am with high humidity.  But I was committed.  The first 10 were no problem.  Piece of cake.  I stopped for lunch (Gregg brought a picnic) and some Sam lovin'.  1/2 hour later, I was ready  to go again.

Okay, a bit more difficult this time.  It had climbed up to 90 degrees and this portion of the trail didn't have as much shade.  I was trying to stay hydrated but after a while (mile 15) realized I had stopped sweating and it was getting difficult to breath.  Then I started getting dizzy.  I sat down on a log and realized I was getting dehydrated and showing early signs of heat exhaustion.
In the past, I've had ice-baths, IVs and ER visits for heat exhaustion and dehydration.  So I KNOW it's a slippery slope.  I called Gregg and with big sobs asked him to pick me up.  Problem was, I was in the middle of the forest and it wasn't vehicle accessible, so I had to walk out.  About 2 miles later I met Gregg (literally) on the side of the road.  I had only walked 17 miles.
It took a couple hours of rest, 1/2 gallon of watered-down apple juice, a couple of handfuls of pretzels and a 45 minute cool shower, but I'm better now.  I'm very disappointed that I didn't finish the full 20.  But I'm glad I paid attention and didn't end up collapsed on the trail or in the hospital.
This was unusual weather.  We don't see heat and humidity like this until July/August.  In fact, last week it was 58 degrees when I started my training walk.  I seriously doubt it'll be 90 degrees with high humidity walk weekend.  I really think I can do the full marathon on Saturday and 1/2 marathon on Sunday.  Of course,I'm going to pay attention, and won't see it as defeat if I need a sweep (van takes you 2 miles to the next rest station) or the medical tent.  But I REALLY hope I can keep hydrated and healthy and finish the walk.