Friday, October 2, 2009


We all make sacrifices everyday.Whether it be a sacrifice for a good friend or family member or for your children, we all come to a time in our lives where we must make a sacrifice.Today I went to get a pedicure at the same place I've gone for over a year now. I have gone to the same woman for the last 6 months or so as she and I have kind of figured each other out. She knows when I want to talk and when I need to read or just relax and she respects that and doesn't feel like she needs to make small talk. Today she needed to talk and I listened. Sara (not her real name) told me today that she has a 10 year old daughter in China. She went on to say that she left her daughter 5 years ago with her husband in order to come to America. Sara works 6 days a week from 9am to 7pm and lives all the way on the other side of the world from her daughter and family all in order to be able to send them money. She made this sacrifice in order to provide for her family. What a sacrifice! I know how she must yearn to hug her daughter and spend time with her husband. I cannot imagine being away from my family for that long. She calls them weekly and is able to go home every other year to spend time with her daughter. I told her how strong she is to do what she is doing. The next time you have difficulty making a sacrifice, think about this family, their desire to succeed and their love for one another.

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