Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I think I got "The Eye"

Lately I've been feeling, well FRUMPY. 
I think this has been going on since I left for Ethiopia.  I took mostly uber-comfy (ie: not cute) clothing in-country.  I didn't do my hair or even mess with makeup most days because I was busy trying to find my groove with a 10 month old.  My cell phone was dying and I forgot my watch so I never really knew what time it was and subsequently always felt rushed.  Oh, and let's not forget the fact that from October '08 -- June '09 I gained approximately 40 lbs of "paper pregnancy" weight.  When I lost 55 lbs from January -- July '08 (while training for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer marathon), I threw out all my "fat" clothes, so the pickins were slim for my trip to Ethiopia.  I felt fat and BLAH and FRUMPY.  I came home with a new child, and continued to feel that way.  When I was on maternity leave I routinely didn't get showered/changed out of PJs until around 12 noon.  I cancelled several hair appointments because I either didn't have the time or didn't want to spend the money. I continued to eat for convenience, not health.  I wasn't getting any exercise: those thoughts of long walks through the forrest preserve with the jogging stroller DID NOT materialize.
Then, I had to go back to work.  I had to scramble and find some appropriate clothing THAT FIT, and get my hair done and at least file my nails, and slap on some makeup.
Then, we started this blog and I thought "holy cow Ms. Frumpy-Dumpy!  you are asking other mothers to find their inner HOTmama but WHAT are you doing about it??"
So, I have been trying to remember those tips I got when I went for a "make-over" at Bare Minerals last November.  I have actually put on eyeliner for 3 days in a row!  I have made an effort with my hair (which I'm growing out and HATE but still...)  And I'm wearing clothing that FITS.  Doesn't matter that it's an entire size LARGER than I was wearing a couple months ago.  Doesn't matter that it's about 3 sizes larger than I was wearing this time last year.  Clothing that fits ALWAYS looks better than clothing that is too snug.

Which brings me to today.
My hair cooperated, despite the 70% humidity.  I put on smokey eyeshadow and a hint of blush and some shear gloss.  I dressed in a new pair (thank you Target!) of trousers that I think are pretty hot, and a 3/4 sleeve forrest green top with detailing at the neckline which looks pretty cute.  I wore my favorite earrings, and some tri-colored suede pumps.  I finished with one of the scarves I got in Ethiopia ... it coordinates well with my fall jacket.  I was looking good.  I was feeling good.  I went to court for some hearings.  while walking back to my car, a tall, dark, attractive man looked my way, raised an eyebrow and smiled.  I smiled back.  I then checked to see if their was food in my teeth/coffee on my jacket/ gum on my shoes or anything else that would have caused his reaction.  But there wasn't.  He must have JUST BEEN SMILING AT ME.  He MUST HAVE BEEN GIVING ME "THE EYE"!!
This is not something that happens to me often, but I must admit it really gave me a much-needed confidence boost today.

What happened this past week to give you a confidence boost??

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