Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rough morning recap

This morning was a pure disaster.  I try to plan ahead to make morning easier in our house (have my lunches & breakfast ready, set the coffee maker, have my outfit and Sam's pre-planned if not already set out, etc.)  but I clearly and utterly failed today. 

Let's recap:
Although I set my alarm last night, I evidently put it in the "off" position, so instead of waking at 6am, I awoke at 7am.  Okay, I can get myself together and make the next train, arriving at work only slightly late.  As an attorney, I don't have firm hours, but try to get to the office at 8 am everyday, so it wouldn't be a big deal.  But while trying to leave the house (my guys drive me to the station, 2 miles away, so they can have the car all day), we couldn't find the keys.  Mind you, we have ONE set of car keys (I know, a big mistake in and of itself.)  We knew Sam had been playing with them last night (again, a mistake on our part), but couldn't figure out where then ended up.  We searched everywhere for about 35 minutes, while arguing with each other (why didn't you take them from him?  Why did you give them to him in the first place?  You MUST have moved them because last I saw they were here!) now I had missed another train.  We FINALLY found them behind a heat register, where Sam had evidently dropped them/hid them; I say this because he was laughing at this point.  The next train wasn't until 9:04, so I had G drive me downtown to work.  Arrrggghhhh!  Although I got into work at 8:55 (no big deal) I proceeded to spill my morning oatmeal on my shirt while stirring it (I use instant packets), had to rinse the shirt to prevent a crusty stain, and now look like a candidate for the annual Ft. Lauderdale Wet T-Shirt Contest.  Thank goodness the shirt is teal blue instead of white!

With small children, do you ever have days like this?  How do you plan your mornings to prevent these debacles?

1 comment:

Zenful Mommy said...

everyday girlfriend!I too , do everything the night before but sometimes it still all goes wrong....just go with the flow