Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby steps

Well, I finally did it.  I spent a little time and money on MYSELF, and in return I feel GREAT.  I went to the salon and got highlights this weekend.  I'm growing my hair out and was feeling BLAH-FRUMPY-DUMPY (sensing a theme here?)  I'm thrilled with the results.   My hubby even gave me the "go ahead" and I ran to get my nails done while Sam took his afternoon nap today.  WOW!  A weekend of beauty! I feel confident.  I'm smiling more.  I have a little skip in my step. Its amazing what spending a little attention to yourself can do for your confidence and self image.

I have a long way to go on the road to DITCH Ms. Frump-Dumpy, but I feel like I'm making some progress.  Next up: making and sticking to a healthy eating/exercise plan.

What did you do this weekend that was JUST FOR YOU?


Debbie said...

I showered! Doest that count? LOL!!!!

Angela said...

took a nap... seriously that's about all I have energy for...

Peebles Family Weblog said...

I don't do salons and manicures, but LOVE time out with just me. I think I'm due for a few hours alone on the town, and it is soooo regenerative. Thanks for the reminder.