Thursday, October 22, 2009

The best medicine

When was the last time you laughed?  I mean real, true, hardcore belly laugh, tears streaming down your face, about to fall off your chair and pee yourself laugh?  Chances are you don't do it often enough. 

Studies have shown 2 things about laughter recently:  it IS truly contagious, and it has amazing health benefits.

Laughter is contagious
According to a 2006 study the brain responds to the sound of laughter and preps the muscles in the face to join in the mirth. One of the researches who spear-headed this project, Dr. Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist at the University College London: "We've known for some time that when we are talking to someone, we often mirror their behavior, copying the words they use and mimicking their gestures. Now we've shown that the same appears to apply to laughter, too--at least at the level of the brain."

Health benefits
Laughter has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety and depression.  It triggers endorphines in the brain, which are the "pleasure" drugs our brain produces.  Large scale studies have been completed on "entertainment" therapy finding that patients undergoing painful treatments report less pain and side effects when watching funny TV/videos and laughing out loud in response to the comedy seen.  These studies have been particularly helpful in understanding and lessening painful treatments and side effects in children undergoing cancer treatment.  Additional studies have shown that laughter can be almost as effective in treating depression as many typical and "standard" treatment medications, because of the endorphines and dopamine released in the brain.

As busy HOTmamas, we are stressed out and likely aren't taking time for ourselves as far as our health (ie: diet and exercise.)  We are taking care of EVERYONE ELSE in our lives: husbands, children, parents, friends.  But there is something small we can do for ourselves each and every day: we can laugh, outloud and with gusto and reap the health benefits WE DESERVE!

So, when was the last time you belly laughed?  What prompted this?


Amanda said...

Yesterday. Just yesterday. Our entire time at the beach was a fiasco and by the time we called it a day, I was primed for good laughing. Just then a big wave came and swept Adia up the beach, spinning on her bottom....ok, I'm going to laugh if I keep typing about it.

I always knew laughter was beneficial. I'm going to live forever. :)

Peebles Family Weblog said...

Laughter is just a way of life for myself and our whole family. It's a no-brainer. I'm unable to connect with people if there is an absence of shared laughter. And yes, we have daily 'bouts of belly rolls, side aches and often laughing until the tears are rolling. There really is humor everywhere, and taking life lightly alleviates so much stress. I think it's one reason why, at almost 42, I'm pain and disease free, and very energetic. There is a real physical science behind the health benefits- all those good, youth enhancing and energizing endorphins are real. Laughter is truly a gift. Thanks for this post and spreading the word... I call it "Laughter Yoga" and there are classes people can take if they're interested.