Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Small Steps to a Better Me

I don’t know about you, but I’m quite inspired by Zenful Mommy’s progress in the past few weeks.  I’m making my own small changes, and having some small success.  I wanted to share some of these things – maybe they’ll work for you.

1.     I resisted pastry/bagel day at work (every Tuesday) by bringing a Kashi GoLean bar to work.  It was super-filling with loads of healthy carbs, fiber & protein.  With coffee, the bar, and a bottle of La Croix, I was too full to even look at the pastry/bagel table in the kitchen. 

2.    I’ve been packing my lunch EVERY DAY.  This has really helped my temptation for fatty lunch foods, as I would feel guilty if I didn't eat what I packed and/or to spent extra money.  The lunches I’ve been taking are planned the night before and are usually left-overs from dinner.

3.     Oh right!, I’ve been planning and making healthy dinners: a grain (Thai red rice, quinoa or brown rice) several sautéed veggies (loving dark leafy greens and cabbage lately), and protein (tofu or egg.)  The grains and veggies are really filling.  On the occasional times I have pasta with my guys, I half a ½ portion and supplement with fresh veggies like carrots, celery, or red pepper strips.

4.     I’ve been packing snacks for work: portioned out dried fruit and nuts.

5.     I’ve been chewing gum.  This really helps in the afternoon when I’m craving an UN-healthy snack.  Its sweet and keeps my jaw moving, which gives me the sensation of eating.

6.     I’m back at the gym.  WOW that feels good to say!

7.     I’m tracking all my progress with a food/calorie diary and exercise diary.  This really helps accountability-wise.

I hope to soon be seeing Zenful Mommy sized results!

What little secrets/tips do you have to stay “on target” with your healthy-living goals?


gruberjenny said...

Well done, Meg! One week at a time...

Something that helps me is making concrete goals, for which I am held accountable (in my case, running races). I have to do my training runs if I'm going to finish whatever Marathon I've registered to run. In your case, the Avon Walk is great because your body has to be in good shape to be able to finish that. Also, I think you and Zenful Mommy are held accountable by your readers, so keep up the good work because we're cheering for you!

Night Owl Mama said...

sounds like your on the right track. Congrats

Abby said...

Those may feel like small steps to you but those are the very things that I encourage my clients to do. They help to take control of your life. Each small step leads to huge results. I wish you luck on your journey. Keep us posted.