Sunday, January 17, 2010

52 to Fabulous: What a girl wants; Sam's Mom's version

What a challenge we have undertaken.  It will be tough, but I anticipate amazing changes for ALL of us!

What THIS girl wants:
1.  To be a happy working mommy
2.  To raise a healthy child
3.  To build a stronger marriage

Happy Working Mommy
I need to find and celebrate balance.  I find myself wishing I were at home during the day...and often desiring more intellectual stimulation during the weekends.  I need to delve deeper into the moment, ie: be "there" at work, and be "there" at home.  I need to find the joy in both halves of my life and find a way to blend them together: for the sake of both my career (sole bread-winner here) and my family.

Healthy Child
Demonstrate by example, example, example.  It is impossible to raise Sam to be a healthy child unless I am healthy.  That means healthy eating choices, portion control, healthy yet plentiful snacks, loads of fresh fruit and veg, and moving & shaking daily (don't think of it as exercise.)  But it also means emotional and intellectual health.  And healthy relationships.  And finding the joy in everyday life.  And sharing and celebrating spirituality.  The WHOLE package.  My son deserves it.

Stronger Marriage
I fear I have put my husband on the back burner for a very long time.  When we were waiting for Sam I was very depressed at times, and turned inward instead of coming to G for support.  Since Sam has been home I've been consumed (we both have) but I haven't made TIME for G.  I am ashamed of that, but it's true...that's what I've done.  Now I feel like the longer we go without time alone, the longer we go without a date, the longer we go without (okay, I'm gonna say it here: SEX)...the harder it is to "get going" again.  I know, it's like a bandaide and I just need to rip it off.  Alone time, conversation, sharing, dates, and intimacy is NECESSARY.  I know that a strong marriage is the backbone of a healthy family for Sam.  I need to not only make an effort, but to actually follow through.  I need to set goals each week to spend X amount of time together and DO IT.  Not let work get in the way, or returning emails/phone calls or anything else.  G deserves it.  I do too.

WOW this is harder than I thought -- just putting this down on paper makes these goals that much more real.

How is your list coming along?

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