Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's talk hysterectomy

Becoming healthy means more than eating smart and exercising.  It means taking care of yourself as a woman with annual pap smears and monthly breast exams & mammograms.

And for me, it now means a hysterectomy.  At 37.  WOW.

I have terrible endometriosis, which strangles my ovaries, tubes, bladder, bowels, pretty much my entire abdominal region.  I have mennorhagia which is excessive clotty bleeding during your period.  I am doubled-over in pain almost 1/2 the month.  I miss work.  I spend hours lying down and at times cannot even hold my 22 lbs son.
And now I'm going to do someting about it.  I'm ready.

I know for some, it's a very tough decision, but since I'm infertile anyway, it's really not a big deal at all.  I'm ready to be gutted like a fish, if it means a stop to the pain, a more active life, and the ability to pick up my boy whenever he wants me to.
I urge each and every one of you to keep current with your gyne exams and TALK with your gynecologist.  Things you may THINK are "normal" may not be.  Get it checked out.  And please, please, please know there is support out there.  I've found it.  It's called HysterSisters and its a network of women and specialists who GET IT.  What more could a girl ask for?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

GOOD LUCK. I just stumbled across your blog. I am in pain almost all the time. Infertile. Diagnosed with PCOS, but likely have endo as well. I finally went back on BCP after TTC for a while. Now I have the BCP side-effects which also make me feel like crap. Doctors have all been dismissive. It's nice to see people talking about the ultimate decision which I may come to some day (I'm 30). I wish you to be pain free!