Monday, January 25, 2010

Sam's Mom's Monday progress Check-in

Since Zenful Mommy has taken the helm and is checking in on her progress weekly, I figured I should do the same, since we are sisters in this 52 to Fabulous/get healthy/ build a better life endeavor.
I got the the gym 2x and logged a total of 14 miles.  I would have preferred to get in 3-4 times for shorter workouts, but with a toddler I'll take what I can get.  Once the weather clears I'll start walking at 5 am.  Don't particularly trust myself driving to the gym at that time of day.
I kept within my calories all week (currently 1360).  I also kept strict veg.  That's almost 3 weeks now. It helped to have similar meals to my husband & son (ie: when they had burgers I had a soy burger, when they had fatty homemade mac-n-cheese I had polenta w/ a bit of Parmesan...etc.)  I think I did a good job getting enough protein in as well.
I lost a total of 3.5 lbs for the week.  I'm not anticipating that loss every week.  It was a great jump start for me though. 
Total of 8.5 lbs loss in 7 weeks, which is just above 1 lbs a week.  That's a healthy loss so I'm thrilled.

How are you doing on your quest for a better you?


Jessica said...

Meg! That is great progress!! Sounds like you are getting into your grove!
I am doing well on my "quest for a better you"...I started up bikram yoga last week, and have been eating all low glycemic foods, even making my own ezekial bread crumbs! I found Dagoba chocolate chips at my coop on sale and I can eat 35 of them for 135 calories and less than 9 grams of carbs per serving, plus no dairy in them. Hurray for a healthy new year!!

Zenful Mommy said...

you are doing AWESOME! Keep up the good work