Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Feel your boobies!

As you know by now Zenful Mommy & me are walker/participants in this years Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.  We are walking on June 5-6 in Chicago.  It's 26 miles the first day and 13 miles the second day and we are already training and fundraising.  (and might I say, already looking and feeling better!) 

The AWBC is about awareness, it's about hope, it's about funding mammograms and research and A CURE.  It's about survivors and fighters.  It's walked in memory and honor of the women we love and the women we have lost.

But it's also about US.  The young women who don't have cancer now, and are too young for annual mammograms.  It's about SELF-EXAMINATION.  It's about FEELING YOUR BOOBIES. 

This is so important ladies and something each and everyone of us should be doing every single month.  Religiously.

If you don't know how, go here.  There are also several videos on YouTube.

If you do know how and aren't doing it DO IT NOW.  Seriously, stop reading this post and go get in the shower and raise your left arm and feel your boob with your right hand.  NOW.
Why you ask?  Because cancer in younger women is on the rise.  Because younger women tend NOT to complete monthly self-examinations and we don't catch it quick enough.  And because, I love each and everyone of you too much to see that happen.  Hence this PSA. 
Oh, and I'm going to be posting this every single month until the Walk.  So next time, I want to see comments that you are ALL doing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on completing your walk, that's wonderful. Thanks for posting about this very important subject and especially gearing it to the younger women. I have three daughters, thirty and younger and it is so important to remind young women about this issue as they tend to slip under the radar, and as you mentioned this disease is on the rise amongst younger women.
