Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wellness Wednesday: Exercise your mind

It's just as important to exercise our minds as it is to exercise our bodies.  I think we often overlook this.  I know when I was at home w/ Sammy, as much as I loved our 24/7 time together, I felt like my brain was turning to mush-mush.  I've heard it called "Mommy brain" and other names.  You start to lose short-term memory and it's hard to have "adult" conversations.  At least, this is what happened to me.
When I returned to work, I felt I was reclaiming my brain again.  Don't get me wrong, being a SAH is likely the most challenging job on the planet, and you use your brain constantly, but in a different capacity.  Let's face it, Jack's Big Music Show and the Backyardigans no matter how entertaining, aren't as intellectually stimulating as NOVA.  So what's a mom to do?
I don't care what.  Redbook to Twilight to a newspaper to a textbook on physics.  Anything but a children's book.  I read on my train commute and it's not only good intellectual time, but great ME time as well.  I personally trade off every-other between an intellectually stimulating book and a good "no-brainer" work of fictions.  (I'm currently re-reading the Twilight series for the 5th time.)  It clears my head from my day at the office, and its a great transition to my time at home w/ DH and Sam.
My husband is a SAH, and tries his best to read during 1 of Sam's naps.  Even if Sam is just down for 30 minutes, that's 30 minutes DH has to himself and 30 minutes of reading.  Sometimes it's a car magazine, sometimes a novel, sometimes news on the web.
I think it's so important that we continue to USE our brains and gain new information (and entertainment.)  It helps balance our lives in so many ways.

What are you doing to exercise your brain today?


Stephanie said...

Reading has saved my mind a few times in this first five months home!

Zenful Mommy said...

I agree! Reading is wonderful, and you can sneak it in mutliple times during the day. By the time my husband comes home from work, I frequently have "mommy brain"...I just started reading again last week and feel much more relaxed and NORMAL!