Monday, November 23, 2009

Twihard with a vengence

We traded off last week: G had a night with the guys at his Alfa Romeo club meeting on Thursday, and I went out to see New Moon on Friday.  G didn't want to go see it with me, which was fine.  I actually went with his best friend because we are now officially "movie buddies" which means that I get a night out once a month to see whatever movie I want to see (G and I don't have the same movie taste.)  And yes, we are working on the whole "date night" G & me thing as well.  Although my MIL is moving to California soon, we have several recommendations locally and one is actually a preschool teacher so I'd have no reservations leaving Sammy with her, assuming he likes her.  Chances are, we'll do a 7:30pm date, so I'll put Sam down to bed before we leave.
But back to ME TIME.
Did I love the film?  No.  Did I like it? YES.  The action was great, the scenery was great, and they did a really nice job taking a very long book and fitting it into a 90 min movie.  YES they had to cut some scenes but I think the scene selection was the best they could have done.  Oh, and let's not forget the miriads of EYE CANDY on the screen.
All-in-all I had a great time, and strengthened my relationship with G's BFF, who has been in our lives since we met (G and Q have been friends for over 20 years and he was the best man at our wedding.)  It was nice to have an evening out, and believe it or not, I was 100% okay leaving both Sam and G.  G and I then spent some QT together on Saturday night, and I actually stayed up until (gasp) 11 pm, so we could have real time together, no just 1 hour after dinner.
We also had fantastic weekend weather, so I got a 6 mile walk in on Sunday, which was fantastic ME TIME.  Sam is a super-duper stroller baby and just sits back and relaxes.  I played some of my favorite music on my phone (without headphones so I could hear my baby) and that really motivated me: on the faster songs I picked up the pace and at one point was even jogging!
I'm really working on this balance thing and think I'm getting the hang of it.  Next up: DATE NIGHTS.
How are you taking time for yourself?

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