Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Inner HOTmama Pledge

If you read this blog, than you are interested in becoming an InnerHOTmama, or already consider yourself one.  Me, I'm a work in progress.  But I think we ALL need to make some commitments to ourselves, if we are going to continue on this journey together, finding the balance between motherhood and self-identity.  Let's call it the InnerHOTmama pledge.  It will start small, and as more of you contribute ideas, it will grow.
Can you take the pledge with me?

I vow:

1.  To love myself for who I am today.
2.  To take some time for myself every day
3.  To NOT take the kids to school while wearing PJs. 
4.  To be a good example for my children regarding healthy eating and exercise.
5.  To celebrate my accomplishments as much as I celebrate the accomplishments of my children.
6.  To focus on today, instead of beating myself up for mistakes made yesterday.
7.  To work on my self-confidence/self-esteem.
8.  To have a hobby just for me.

Do you have an idea to add to our pledge?  Can you make these commitments to yourself?

1 comment:

dunlapfabfive said...

I think date night AT LEAST once per month is essential to the well-being of all hot Mamas!! Good for self, partner, and kiddos, too!!