Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Sam's Mom NEEDS

Continuing 52 to Fabulous: What this girl NEEDS:

1. I NEED to organize my weekends. Staying in PJs until 11 sounds delicious, but I feel like I'm getting nothing done. This increases my anxiety and makes me not so fun to be around. I NEED to have my weekends as family time, and to do that, I need to be organized w/ errands and to-do lists. I NEED to get up and get ready, so I'm not using Sam's nap time to shower and get ready for the day.

2. Like Zenful Mommy, I NEED a date w/ my husband. My 80 year old MIL is terrific with Sam, but I don't think a date night is on her agenda.  So I NEED to find a babysitter I trust.  But not a teenager, right? Mission Impossible?? Sounds like it but I'll find a way.

3. I NEED to consistently get into the gym. Not occasionally. No excuses. At least 3x week. I know once I get into the habit it won't be so hard.

What's on your NEED list?

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