Friday, January 15, 2010

Once a month Cooking

I know that this may seem time consuming or NOT seem Practical BUT what if you could cook all of your meals in one weekend and freeze them?(VERY PRACTICAL) On a late night, instead of picking up fast food, you have a ready made meal. Just take it out of the freezer and pop it into the oven. Simplicity at its best.

Here is just one of the recipes that you can find at The Frugal Mom.

Emerald Soup

Ingredients for Cooking Day:

2 pkgs. frozen peas
1 cup water
1 small onion chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup light cream
salt and pepper to taste
2 tsp. mint leaves (or to taste)
Directions for Cooking Day: Cook peas in water until tender; place peas and liquid in blender. Add onion, celery and chicken broth; blend until smooth. Pour into bowl, add cream salt and pepper and crumbled mint leaves. Freeze using freezer bag method.

Directions for Serving Day: Defrost soup in refrigerator. This soup is served chilled

She has TONS of recipes on her site. She even has a cookbook Click Here!

Saving time for Moms and Serving Healthy Meals to our families!

Happy Friday!

How do you save time when making meals?

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