Thursday, October 1, 2009


We all count the milestones for our children.  Some have baby books, some scrapbooks, some record in their Blackberry, and some are "old school" like my mom and record on wall calendars.  We count first teeth, first words, first steps.  I know I've counted all those with my son, even though we've only been together 3 months now.  In fact, yesterday he took his first solo steps and I couldn't stop talking about it. 
Does any parent lose the glow of those "firsts"?  Does any parent get tired of telling stories to family/friends/co-workers/gas station attendants?  NO.  And we shouldn't.  The milestones our children reach are some of the most important moments...for them and for us.  It's reassurance that they are developing on-target.  It's reassurance (at least for me) that we are good moms, making sure our children sleep enough, have a healthy diet, are happy.

But who is counting OUR milestones?  Are you?  Do you make a notation when you chose a yogurt instead of chips as a snack?  Or when your favorite jeans fit a bit looser around the hips?  Or when someone complimented you at the grocery store about your fabulous hair cut/color/style?  Do you have a mini-celebration, a GO ME! day when you walk that extra 4 blocks with the baby in the jogging stroller? 
These are all VERY important moments.  I think oftentimes as moms we lose track of these and downplay their importance.  But WE are just as important as our children.  In fact, studies show that happy, self-confident parents raise happy, self-confident children.  And isn't that what we all want?  Our children to be happy with themselves and their lives.  To be confident at school.  To be comfortable in social situations. 
Studies also show that children learn more by observing their parents, than by the audible instructions their parents provide.
Don't get me wrong; we all have bad-hair/feeling fat/cannot find a suitable outfit/drive the kids to school in PJ days.  A wise woman once told me, on those days, you have to "fake it 'til you make it."  Studies conducted in Japan have shown that laughter decreases stress and releases endorphines into the brain, stimulating our pleasure centers.  Basically, sometimes we can force our brains to FEEL happy.
Not all days are going to be GO ME! days.  But I think we should celebrate them when they come around.  It's good for us, and it's great for our kids to see that kind of self confidence and happiness.
My GO ME! moment this week?  I took some of my favorite "sexy" heels, to the "shoe doctor" and got them re-heeled and spiffed up. I haven't worn these in FOREVER because they were looking shabby.  Okay, I haven't worn them in forever because frankly it's easier to wear flip-flops to work and change into the SAME pair of shoes at my desk every day.  It's easier NOT to expend any effort.  But today, as I type this, I'm wearing my lipstick-red croco heels, and I must admit, they make me feel sexy and confident.  I'm having a bad hair day.  I forgot to iron my sweater.  But those heels are making me feel like I could concour the world.

What was GO ME moment this week?  Did you stop to soak it in?  If not, try to look out for a GO ME moment this weekend. You deserve it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Today I chose to run instead of walk! Also, I prepared all the ingredients for my favorite salad, so I can toss it together for lunch.