Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day

Being a HOTmama means having conviction in your beliefs and fighting the good fight.  Both Zenful Mommy and Sam's Mom believe global warming is a topic that needs talking about: a healthy, sustainable planet is important for our children, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.  Global warming effects EVERYONE:  it causes excessive hot/dry and cold/wet weather leading to droughts, flooding and other forms of severe weather.  This, in turn causes crop failure, food shortages, a lack of drinkable water, and is harmful to world economies.  As such, it effects ALL moms across the globe
But global warming is a world problem we can ALL work to change: and little steps really add up.  We can teach our children, by our example, how to give back to the planet that has given us everything.

Things WE do/ideas for your family:
1.  Always turn off the lights when you leave a room.
2.  Always turn off electronics at night/during the day if no one is at home.
3.  Replacing your lightbulbs with low-energy bulbs.
4.  Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
5.  Recycle paper/plastic/glass.
6.  Compost.
7.  Use chlorine free disposible diapers or cloth.
8.  Only use the dishwasher/washing machine with a full load.
9.  Wash clothing in warm or cold water instead of hot.
10. Re-fill metal/plastic water bottles instead of purchasing bottled water.

1 comment:

Zenful Mommy said...

We all HAVE to take action! Doing nothing is NOT a choice!