Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Julie and Julia

I've settled in with and movie and a glass of wine. I don't think I've done this in over 2 years. I can't tell you which is better, the complete silence in my home, or the delicious bottle of wine that I picked up in anticipation of the kids going to grandmas. My choices tonight are Julie and Julia and a glass of New Age white wine from Argentina(which is yummy by the way).

If you don't know anything about the movie, you can get some info here. Basically Julie, started a BLOG about cooking all of the recipes from Julia Child's cookbook in 365 days. This is a true story and the blog became immensely popular, thus the movie.

In the beginning of the movie when Julie started blogging, her mother asked her why? Why add another thing to your plate of working long hours, being a wife? Her response.... to have a regimen, to be accountable to something on a daily basis and to set small daily goals.

What am I getting from the movie (still watching it)? Commitment and Inspiration. The commitment to keep blogging and the inspiration to try new things and not let anything get in my way.

I don't make New Year's resolutions but I must say that 2010 will be a year of Happiness, Good Health, Peace and Joy.....more time spent with friends and family, more time doing the things that I enjoy, more time taking care of myself inside and out.....(say it and CLAIM it!)

Tonight I am taking some time for myself.....and enjoying it.

What inspires you?

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