Monday, December 7, 2009

Finding the ME in this holiday season

I'm sure the title of this post sounds odd, especially in light of this recent post.  But work with me a little and you'll see the message I'm trying to convey.
The holidays are stressful and I personally think they are MOST stressful on moms.  We try to make everything perfect for everyone in our lives.  Getting that PERFECT gift, decorating the house JUST SO (and I seriously have trouble keeping my house clean enough to avoid a DCFS investigation...), extra amounts of cooking/baking, finding cute-as-a-button outfits for the kids, trying to ensure those velvet dress pants from last year still fit after Thanksgiving, spending extra time with in-laws and extended family (which is ALWAYS stressful, let alone with this added pressure), and the list goes on and on and on. 
I remember as a child, my mom hid/kept all gifts in the basement.  We had an old (150 yr+ farm house with an unfinished (ie: cinderblock w/ dirt floor) basement.  It was cold and damp.  Mom MADE the majority of our gifts (sewing), but made sure we had a couple store bought ones as well.  Even back then, poor as we were, she went over-board with gifts.  Because my dad ran the farm and routinely worked 18 hour days, it was up to mom to get Christmas organized.  On the evenings leading up to Christmas she would spend hours in the basement at night after we went to bed.  Then Christmas Eve she's spend hours baking: cookies, cakes, sweet rolls, etc.  Come Christmas morning I cannot fathom how exhausted she must have been.  She did EVERYTHING for everyone else, and never took time for herself.  I often wonder if she enjoyed the holidays herself.
As a new mom, I'm committed to find some time for myself this season.  Otherwise, I fear, the stress would prove overwhelming and I wouldn't enjoy the holidays at all.  So what am I doing?  I'm making all gifts.  The time I spend on these gifts is actually ME TIME.  I ENJOY making things for others, but even more, I LOVE the satisfaction of homemade projects and the solitude it takes to complete the projects (usually in the basement where my sewing machine and craft cabinet are.)  It's a peaceful time for me.  I play Christmas music and reflect.  I emerge from the basement renewed and frankly, more sane.

What are you doing to take care of yourself this season?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am not stressing about Christmas this year. Yeah it is the boys' first Christmas and I should be going all out, but I just don't have the energy. Plus I know they would rather play and cuddle with their mommy than have a house perfectly decorated. We haven't managed to get a single decoration out, doesn't help that they have been sleeping like crap. So this year Christmas at our house will be simple, but Grandma is going all out so they will still have a great one!