Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hair loss after delivery

Hair Loss....hmmm where do I begin? About 2 weeks ago I got my hair colored and she couldn't even get her fingers thru my hair when applying the color. Granted I have curly hair but this was ridiculous and PAINFUL!!! We literally had to tear thru my hair.

Flash forward to hair washing....I lose enough hair to make a small animal...I would say a cat at the very least. My husband said" stop pulling your hair back all the time..." Like this would make me lose enough hair to need therapy, I mean EVERY woman has a ponytail day at least once a week ..c'mon. I remembered my cousin saying that she lost hair after having her daughter and that it had something to do with hormones or something. I have 3 kids and lost absolutely NO HAIR with the 1st two so didn't feel like I fell into the "after baby hair loss" category...

So I researched and called my Doctor and consulted with friends (after all they are the most knowledgable) and low and behold I fall into the after baby hormone crazy category. Normally, women lose about 100 hairs a day with normal hair loss, in about the 3rd or 4th month after delivery women can lose about 500 hairs a day(this is where I am!) and this CAN occur for a few months until the hormones are back in check!I get teary eyed when I wash my hair or even comb it as it is truly hard to have handfuls of hair in my hand. On the flip side , I have a healthy baby boy that makes those tears go away with his toothless smile.

So with all of the other wonderful things that we as women go thru, losing our hair can also be one of them. Who knew?

Any of you out there experieced this? Can you help me out here...

1 comment:

Sam's mom said...

I've never been preg, but when I was first in treatment for RSD I lost about 40-50% of my hair. It used to be very thick and curly and it grew back in (2 years) much different. Now it's dense, but very fine and almost straight. Not the thick lux hair of my younger days. Its very frustrating...so I can relate my friend.