Friday, July 23, 2010

Big Boy Cup! Tommee Tippee Review

My son will be 1 this Sunday and for the last few months we have been trying out different cups. Sippy cups, cups with straws, cups with spouts, you name it we've tried it and nothing has worked. Some leaked, some dripped, some flowed continuously and some he couldn't even get anything out of. Luckily we received a wonderful package in the mail from Tommee Tippee to review. I received a Spill Proof Bottle, Non Slip Mat and 2 Bowls(w/lid) and a spoon.

So here are my thoughts on the Tommee Tippee Products.
The Spill Proof Water Bottle(Sippy Cup) is WONDERFUL, my son feels like he is a big boy and has a cup like his sisters BUT he can shake it upside down and nothing comes out. Also, he is able to hold the cup with both of his little hands and drink by himself, the cup is lightweight and the beverage comes out easily.

Do your kids dump their bowls/plates upside down when eating and make a HUGE mess? This is where the Non Slip Mat comes in. It is a wonderful silicone mat that you lay on the high chair tray or any table. You then attach your bowl to the suction cup on more messes!Why didn't I think of this? This is a great product and easy to use and clean, the non slip mat lifts easily off of any surface.

I have washed all of the products on the top shelf in the dishwasher and they have turned out fine. I will be heading to Toys R Us to add to our Tommee Tippee Collection! We now have our 1st Big Boy Cup!

Now – July 23: Buy any Explora item (cups and toddler feeding), get the second 50% off at (

Tommee Tippee is now available in the U.S. at Toys”R”Us and Babies”R”Us stores as well as online at

....and for the leagal stuff...
I received products from Tommee Tippee and am a reviewer for the Mom Bloggers Club. I was asked to give my honest opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, hard to believe that little man is already 1 years old! Where does the time go? Congratulations, Miles!